Why here
The project activities combined with the collaboration with BIC, a Romanian company, allow us to fully understand the reference market of Romania and more generally the European one, starting from the particularities and specifications that characterize the target business context. We planned the project in order to have the possibility of setting up an internationalization strategy, establishing the actions to be implemented, identifying times, methods and tools for carrying out the activities.
The target market
The project in brief
is a project admitted for funding by the Campania Region with the respective CUP codes: B25F19000410007 - SURF: OP_8302 18066BP000000033 - COR: 832599. Thanks to the project we have carried out actions aimed at corporate internationalization: opening our business to the context in particular to the Romanian market. This was made possible thanks to various synergistic actions, such as a sector study and the business plan , which made it possible to fully understand the context of the new market aiming at the construction of a European-wide network.
"We joined this project with the intention of expanding our international market in line with the general aims and objectives of the regional promotion program".
Expected results
The project presupposes the achievement of company results relating to the greater knowledge of the investment context, the planning of our activities at an international level, the creation of a channel for further outlets, also by virtue of the restrictions caused by the pandemic. In fact, participation in the project should be viewed as a way of approaching the Regional System of Innovation and Research with the environment Production and Science of R omania, which in recent years tends to evolve increases n do the development of the supply chain speed of the AD & S Aerospace , Defense , Security & Space . The project aims to be an investment opportunity in the Romanian Aerospace sector based on an exchange of skills valued in the Campania regional context and shared with counterparts, companies and subjects operating in the Romanian supply chain. The project activities want to be a direct way of promoting scientific technological excellence achieved thanks to the know- how of Campania. In cascade we await the planning of future collaborations, which will increasingly involve our Campania system.
The main activities
Financial support The project actions received the support of the European Union from the POR Campania ERDF 2014-2020 program - Axis III - OS 3.4 - Action 3.4.2